Sunday, June 23, 2013

Road trip

Road trip

Took a short ride ended up in Rushville, IN. Got caught in a super bucket downpour of rain. Thankful to the Rushville Baptist church for the use of their canopy. Parked there for about twenty minutes until the rain somewhat subsided. Trip cut short, had to get home to dry out. 

Next day I took off again- this time went out East from Shelbyville along 244.  Wanted to see the newly re-built covered bridge in Moscow, it was destroyed in about 2009 by a tornado. It was rebuilt in 2010. It was originally constructed in 1886, just a little before I was born. Always enjoyed this area and the beautiful countryside dotted with Amish farms. Usually I would pass a couple horse drawn buggies. Didn’t see any on this trip, although did see some fresh horse droppings along the way.

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